Monday, November 1, 2010

San Antonio, Chapter One

On July 29, 2010, Luis and I loaded up the Rav 4 with one terrified cat, a selection of houseplants, and enough clothes to last us for a week or two. Then we drove for 13 and a half hours on I-35 to arrive at our new home in San Antonio, Texas. Strapped to the luggage rack on top of the car was a suitcase that wouldn't fit in the car with us. It was filled with odds and ends as well as a variety of items that couldn't be packed by the movers such as bleach, ammonia based cleaning products, matches, and batteries.

About halfway to Texas, it occurred to Luis that perhaps packing all of our most explosive possessions together and transporting them with maximum exposure to heat and jostling was not the most sensible move. The remainder of the drive was slightly tense as we drove down the highway with our own little IED strapped to the roof of our vehicle. We made it safely to San Antonio with the only casualties being a shower curtain and a pair of Luis' pants that were ruined by some bleach that leaked out of the bottle.

The remainder of our things arrived uneventfully the following Tuesday and now, three months later, we are fairly settled into our be-carpeted suburban mini-mansion. We've only started exploring the surrounding areas and, although Texas is no Hawaii, there are plenty of interesting things to do and see.

1 comment:

AnnG said...

I see you haven't lost your witty, dry sense of humor, Heidi. Good reading. And thanks for the fabulous garden pictures. AnnG