Tuesday, July 29, 2008
We decided to take the girls while they were here thinking that they would enjoy it since there are lots of games in addition to the show. Olivia loved every second while Caroline was more reserved in her appreciation of the show. She was falling asleep before the end and asked to go home while Olivia was running back and forth to the front to take photos.
Sea Life Park
When the girls were here over Christmas break, we visited Sea Life Park, a small Seaworld type of park on the southeast coast. Olivia and Luis did an interactive encounter with dolphins that they really enjoyed. Olivia was determined to return to the park and do a sea lion encounter on this trip. Not to be left behind, Caroline wanted to get in the water with the dolphins. I put aside my misgivings about wild animals being used as playthings by humans and enjoyed the day.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Walker and Robin
Since this is the third trip to Hawaii to visit us, the girls have pretty much grown jaded about just going to beaches. The highlight of this trip seems to be the horses, Walker and Robin. Luis' boss and his wife, LTC Martin and Stacy, bought a couple of horses for their daughters to ride while they are here. Both girls got to groom then ride the horses.
Farewell to El Fuego
As part of the pomp and circumstance of Luis' departure from the 25th Infantry Division, Luis was given a medal, a flag in a frame, and a lunch at a restaurant called The Shack. We started the event on the same lawn where he had his promotion ceremony and the same cast of characters presided and attended. The only difference was the addition of the girls. They were both proud and embarrassed about all the attention. About halfway through the medal ceremony, Caroline decided that standing still was for losers so I was focused almost entirely on curtailing her windmill arms. She is an army of one.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
The post party
Day two with the girls
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